Britton Scott
2023 Hamilton Scholar Britton Scott from Cheraw, SC is adaptable, capable of getting along with people and navigating a multitude of scenarios calmly. While a bit of a daydreamer, spending hours coming up with stories in his head, Britton prides himself on being personable, not too boisterous, and able to hold a good conversation.
On two separate occasions, Britton made it to his state’s spelling bee, and has helped the Cheraw Marching Tribe get to state competition two years in a row. Along with that, he is a participant in the Junior Scholars Program. In addition to receiving nominations for many academic awards, Britton is also in the 96th percentile academically for his age group – including for the SATs. Finally, Britton is certified to be Career Ready, and was admitted into the 2023 Hamilton Scholars program.
In addition to being Brass Captain of his school’s marching band, Britton plays 5+ instruments and participates often in community plays and events. He’s also first-string in his Academic Bowl team, is highly involved with his town’s Arts Commission, and volunteers at the hospital and a local restaurant.
Britton aspires to become either an actor, a musician, and/or a social media influencer; While fame and riches are somewhat associated with those fields, his goal is to entertain people – preferring to also donate any excess and live comfortably.