Kimberly Rios-Ocampo
Kimberly Rios embodies the statement: be the change you want to see. As a first-generation Mexican-American student, she embraces her role as a mediator and voice for many.
Growing up, Kimberly resented the lack of translation at school events, which steered Spanish-speaking parents away from important meetings – from voicing their opinions. In response, she became a certified translator professional through the Global Translation Institute – serving as the translator she had wished to see. As a translator, Kimberly advocates for the parents, shifting the meeting’s dynamic. With her help, School Site Council (SSC) meetings are conducted in Spanish, for which she translates for the English-speaking Chair, continuing to call for greater parent involvement, the first step towards creating an equitable environment.
Extremely passionate about human rights, Kimberly refuses to limit her impact to words, co-founding the #TheBabyProject, an annual community baby shower, to help aid parents in need of baby essentials (e.g., diapers, nursing pads, clothes, shampoo, etc.).
Kimberly is also incredibly involved in school activities as the ASB President, MEChA Vice President, SSC Secretary, Board Representative, CSF Blood Drive Chair, and as a certified AVID tutor. Through these roles, Kimberly has managed to improve her school community through MEChA scholarships, engaging school events, bilingual tutoring services, and her advocacy for the installment of books on campus. More specifically, Kimberly relentlessly advocated for the establishment of a library on campus until mini libraries were established around campus to help promote literacy.
Beyond the aforementioned, Kimberly explores her interests through concurrent enrollment at her local community college, Summer Math and Science Honors (SMASH) Academy, and Upward Bound.
Inspired by her experience with significant health disparities, Kimberly hopes to pursue a combined MD/Ph.D. program in Nutrition and Metabolism. Her aim is to inform the nation on how to best care for their bodies while leading research that shapes the way we approach healthcare. Finally, beyond the physical body, Kimberly aspires to help promote mental health awareness through the power of storytelling.