Jeylin Castillo
2023 Hamilton Scholar Jeylin Castillo’s world has been one big game of Twister: always trying to place herself in the correct spot so she doesn’t lose her balance in life. Jeylin lives by the words si se puede, or it’s possible; and, echale ganas — put in the effort — keeping them close to her heart, pushing past any limitations and priding herself on the hardships she’s overcome.
Since 5th grade, Jeylin has worked for her future. By 8th grade graduation, she achieved Valedictorian status by a landslide. Equally important accolades include her participation in the National Honors Society (NHS), Northwestern Academy for CPS, and accumulation of over 350 hours of community service. When not at school, Jeylin enjoys playing the violin, and reading to her younger sisters.
Since she was young, Jeylin discovered her passion for business and plans to major in entrepreneurship. In 2022, Jeylin – alongside her team of peers through Leadership Initiatives – received a ₦925,000 grant (approximately $2,000 USD) from Exxon, the United Nations, and the Nigerian Embassy to help start-ups in Bauchi State, Nigeria make their dreams come true – with only a one-week turnaround! During this time she consulted with CEOs and marketing experts in development of attainable solutions for the business. With this experience, Jeylin plans to one day create a business that helps people and puts a smile on their faces.
Jeylin knows that someday she’ll fall on the Twister mat – for now, she’s keeping her balance as best she can – but when she does fall, she knows she’ll get herself back up again anyway.