Rebecca Leitman
Rebecca is resilient, ambitious, and adaptable - always eager to explore the unknown. Being raised by a single mother, has strengthened her bond with her siblings and is keenly aware of the generational sacrifices that came before her. As an Ecuadorian-American from Miami, Rebecca takes pride in her culture and can be found checking out new Hispanic restaurants on the weekends. Rebecca's hobbies include wandering through Barnes and Noble as she searches for her next read, binge-watching her favorite movies, or running in the sun.
Her extroverted nature inspires Rebecca to be an involved member of her community. Within her school, she is an editor for her school's newspaper, a member of her school's mock trial team, and her school's travel Model United Nations team. Beyond that, she volunteers her time at her local Teen Court program as a juror and works a part-time job. Rebecca aspires to be a criminal defense attorney and an advocate for prison reform.